GBS News24 Latest News,Local News Locals of Newa Demand Functional Medical Services at PHC, Warn of Protests

Locals of Newa Demand Functional Medical Services at PHC, Warn of Protests

Locals of Newa Demand Functional Medical Services at PHC, Warn of Protests post thumbnail image

Mushtaq Pulwama

Pulwama, Jan 02 : The residents of Newa village in South Kashmir’s Pulwama district are grappling with severe challenges due to the non-functional medical equipment and lack of specialized staff at the Primary Health Centre Newa.

The villagers told the news agency Kashmir News Trust that despite the installation of USG and X-ray machines in 2021, these critical facilities have remained non-operational for the past two years. “The absence of a Radiologist has rendered the USG machine unusable, compelling patients to travel to the District Hospital Pulwama or other healthcare centers for essential diagnostic tests,” they said.

Adding to the residents’ woes is the unavailability of a Gynecologist at the PHC, leaving pregnant women and those requiring maternal care in dire straits.

“This is unacceptable. Patients are suffering due to the absence of basic healthcare facilities, and pregnant women are the worst affected,” said a local resident.

The distressed residents have called upon the District Development Commissioner Pulwama and the Director of Health Services Kashmir to intervene immediately. They urged the authorities to make the X-ray and USG machines operational and ensure the appointment of a gynecologist at the PHC without further delay.

“If these issues are not addressed promptly, we will have no option but to protest on the streets,” warned the locals.

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