GBS News24 Latest News,National KTMF Mourns the Demise of Mohammad Aslam Wani, Maternal Uncle of KTMF Leader’s Wife.

KTMF Mourns the Demise of Mohammad Aslam Wani, Maternal Uncle of KTMF Leader’s Wife.

KTMF Mourns the Demise of Mohammad Aslam Wani, Maternal Uncle of KTMF Leader’s Wife. post thumbnail image

KTMF Expresses Profound Grief Over the Demise of Mohammad Aslam Wani

Srinagar,Jan 04: The Kashmir Traders and Manufacturers Federation (KTMF) Chairman Haji Mushtaq Ahmed Darial, President Mohammad Sadiq Baqal, General Secretary Mohammad Altaf Dar (Rajbagh) Along with Executive Members expresses its deep sorrow over the untimely demise of Mohammad Aslam Wani, son of Late Mohammad Sidiq Wani, who passed away on 3rd Of January 2025 (Friday)in Saudi Arabia while performing the sacred pilgrimage of Umrah at Mecca,Saudi Arabia.

The deceased, originally from Old Barzulla and residing in Wani House ,Rakhi – Arth Bemina, Housing Colony,H .No .234, was the maternal uncle of KTMF Financial Chief Showkat Ahmed Bhat’s wife.

The KTMF leadership offers heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family and prays for the departed soul to attain the highest place in Jannah.

All relatives, neighbors, and well-wishers are humbly requested to participate in the Taziyat and offer prayers for the departed soul,the mourning will be observed for three days, concluding on Sunday,at their residence.

Issued by:
KTMF Publicity Wing

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