GBS News24 Latest News,Local News,National Dr Firdous welcomes Law Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal

Dr Firdous welcomes Law Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal

Dr Firdous welcomes Law Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal post thumbnail image

Jammu 7 January / Union Law Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal was welcomed at a social function at Dr Firdous today. Dr Firdous Bhat, Gazanfar Ali, Shaukat Ahmed Ghani were present on the occasion. Dignitaries including Sheikh Ghulam Nabi were present. They said that today the constitution and law of our country is very strong and the reforms done in the law by our Union Law Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal and the Government of India are welcome

Dr Firdous said that the law and order in our Jammu and Kashmir is working very strongly and today people have full faith and trust in the constitution and law of India, due to which today the youth of Jammu and Kashmir are progressing and the separatists and people with terrorist thinking of Jammu and Kashmir have to bow before the Constitution of India. Due to the Constitution of India, there is progress and prosperity all around in Jammu and Kashmir. Today it is the Constitution of India due to which the government has been formed in Jammu and Kashmir and the government of Jammu and Kashmir is working under the umbrella of the Constitution of India and the Indian tricolor. Today everyone will have to accept the Constitution of Baba Saheb Bhimrao Ambedkar, only then this country will prosper

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