GBS News24 Blog Ensure Timely Supply of Nutritional Items to Anganwadi Centers

Ensure Timely Supply of Nutritional Items to Anganwadi Centers

Ensure Timely Supply of Nutritional Items to Anganwadi Centers post thumbnail image

Ganderbal, 02Jan:J&K Congress District President Ganderbal, Sheikh Aijaz Ahmed, has made a heartfelt appeal to the Honorable Chief Minister of Jammu & Kashmir, Ms. Sakina Ittoo (Minister for Social Welfare), and the Director of Social Welfare, Jammu & Kashmir, to address the pressing issue of food distribution at Anganwadi centers In Ganderbal

During the harsh winter season, children at Anganwadi centers are facing severe challenges, including freezing temperatures and the threat of stray animals. The daily supply of nutritional items has become increasingly difficult under these conditions, leading to risks of malnutrition and other dangers for these children.

Aijaz suggested that the Department of Social Welfare provide two to three months’ worth of nutritional supplies in one go. This measure will ensure consistent nutritional support for the children and protect them from the hardships of severe weather and other risks.

This is a sincere request for the concerned authorities to take immediate action and prioritize the welfare of these children during this critical season. Such a step would demonstrate the government’s commitment to safeguarding the future of the nation’s children.

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