GBS News24 Latest News,Local News Ruheena Shahzad Appointed as Returning Officer for District Budgam: A New Era for Electoral Oversight

Ruheena Shahzad Appointed as Returning Officer for District Budgam: A New Era for Electoral Oversight

Ruheena Shahzad Appointed as Returning Officer for District Budgam: A New Era for Electoral Oversight post thumbnail image

Farhan Kitab

Srinagar, Jan 18 : A Significant development for the Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory, Ruheena Shahzad has been appointed as the BJP state Returning Officer for District Budgam. This appointment marks a moment of pride not only for Budgam but also resonates throughout the entire Jammu and Kashmir region, particularly in District Ganderbal.

Madam Ruheena Shahzad brings a wealth of experience and a proven track record in managing electoral processes, which positions her perfectly to oversee the upcoming elections.

District Budgam, known for its vibrant community and rich history, stands to gain immensely from Ruheena Shahzad’s leadership.

Her expertise is expected to enhance the electoral framework, fostering a climate of trust and fairness among voters. This appointment is not just a recognition of her capabilities, but also a beacon of hope for the residents of Budgam as they prepare for the electoral challenges ahead.

As the electoral landscape evolves, the people of District Budgam look forward to the positive changes that Ruheena Shahzad’s leadership will bring, ensuring that their voices are heard and represented in the democratic process.

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